Inspirational Quotes
Friendship is often taken for granted. We often tell our partner how much we love them but rarely our friends even though they're a huge part of our life and happiness. Whether it's just to reconnect, send a Friendship day message, Happy Birthday, or simply Thank you to a friend. Sending a Tiny Telegram Message is a great way to make someone smile with a few words to show you care.
Using words that describe the qualities you love in that special person can help you decide what you'd like to say. Is it their loyalty, Strength, Wisdom, Thoughtfulness, Kindness, Insightfulness, or Generosity that you love about their friendship or type of person they are. We've pulled together some Friendship Quotes that you might like. Copy and paste the quote below the image into your Tiny Telegram message if you like.
"You're a Whole Lot of Lovely. Yes, you."
"You changed my life without even...
Losing a loved one or someone close to you is heart-achingly painful. It can also feel very lonely even when you're surrounded by many friends and family. Just reminding people you care and that you're...
Find 100's of ideas and Love Quotes to send to someone special and let them know how much they mean to you by sending them a message in a bottle.
Find many Mother's day quotes and notes to help you write the perfect Tiny Telegram Message in a bottle for a loved one.
"MOM turned upside down spells WOW!"
"Moms make life beautiful"